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Can Hamsters Eat Blueberries?

Blueberries are a small, round and sweet superfood that offers many health benefits. They are one of the most popular types of berries in the world and have been eaten…

Can Dwarf Hamsters Eat Lettuce

Dwarf hamsters are a type of small rodent that is popular as a pet. There are actually 5 species of domesticated hamsters: Syrian hamsters, and the four dwarf species which…

Can Hamsters Eat Chocolate?

Chocolate is one of the most beloved treats in the world, and while it may be a favorite snack for many children and adults, there’s a question as to whether…

Can Hamsters Eat Cheese?

Hamsters are cute, cuddly and furry animals that make great pets. They are omnivore and need a varied diet, mainly seeds and grains based, but also containing both fresh fruits…

Do Hamsters Have Tails?

Most rodents are known for their long tail, from squirrels, rats and gerbils to the the field vole famous for having a very short tail. The family friendly guinea pigs…

How to Keep Hamsters Warm

Hamsters are one of the most popular pets for families, but during the winter months, it is important to take special care to make sure that your hamster stays warm…

Can Dwarf Hamsters Eat Cabbage?

There are over 20 species of hamsters, but mainly 5 who are popular as pets. These are the Syrian hamsters, and the dwarf hamsters: Campbell’s dwarf hamster, Winter white dwarf…

Can Hamsters Eat Kiwi?

Originally named Chinese gooseberry, the fruit was renamed Kiwifruit in New Zealand for his resemblance to their national kiwi bird. There are 3 main varieties, mainly the Green Kiwi and…

Can Hamster Eat Crackers?

A cracker is a thin, dry biscuit typically made from a very simple recipe: flour, fat (oil or butter), a bit of salt, sugar and water, baked in the oven…

Do Hamsters Have Whiskers?

Every mammal, including cats, dogs, mice and other small rodents, has special hairs on their face called whiskers, which play a critical role in its sense of touch and navigation.They…

Can Hamsters Eat Strawberries?

If you own a hamster, you may be wondering if it’s safe to give them strawberries. After all, they are sweet and juicy and look like something a hamster might…

Can Dwarf Hamsters Eat Popcorn?

Hamsters are omnivorous and typically eat a variety of items in their diet, including seeds, nuts, fruit, vegetables, and even insects. They also seem to enjoy popcorn as a treat!…

Can hamsters eat yogurt?

While hamsters are cute and cuddly, they also require a specific diet to stay healthy. Many people wonder if yogurt is an acceptable food for hamsters to consume, as it…

Can hamsters eat coconut?

The term coconut can refer to the palm tree, the seed, or the fruit of said tree. Botanically speaking, a drupe is a fleshy fruit with a hard stony covering; thus…

Can dwarf hamsters eat spinach?

There are 5 species of domesticated hamsters, Syrian hamsters being the largest species, and four dwarf species which are: the Djungarian (also called the Winter White) hamster, the Russian Campbell's…

Can hamsters eat green peppers?

Peppers, bell peppers, or sweet peppers, are a common sight in many gardens and grocery stores. They are members of the nightshade and capsicum family, which also includes tomatoes, potatoes,…

Can hamsters eat squash?

There are many different types of squash vegetables, but they all have one thing in common – they're all delicious! They are generally grouped between summer squash (including the zukini…

Can hamsters eat peas?

Although peas are commonly thought of as vegetables, they are in fact small legumes, and part of the same legume family as beans, chickpeas, lentils and peanuts Peas are contained…

Can hamsters eat potato?

Potatoes are an important part of our diet, in various shapes, form and mode of cooking, and seem to be a great source of nutrition for our furry friends as…