Table of Contents
Some words of introduction
Yes, apples can be given in moderation, but it's very important to know that apple seeds are extremely toxic, and to bear in mind a few facts about apples and dwarf hamsters.
What is so specific about dwarf hamsters and what do people mean by that? There are around 20 different species of hamsters, but only 5 species are domesticated. They are
and finally
-Russian Campbell's Dwarf
-Winter White dwarf
These last 2 species are very similar, often get confused and can even can create an hybrid species. Their care is very similar.
Can Dwarf Hamsters have Apples?
Yes, dwarf hamsters can eat apples, but never the seeds!
Introduce any new fresh fruit or vegetable slowly: give only a pinch of apple at first, and observe your hamster carefully.
Give them a few days before offering another, and If you notice any sign of stomach upset or mild diarrhoea, stop feeding apples to your hamster. Too much fruit in the diet can lead to gastric issues, so it's important to introduce new foods slowly.
Are Apple Seeds Toxic for Hamsters?
Apple seeds are extremely toxic for hamsters and must never be given. They contain amygdalin, which deteriorates into hydrogen cyanid.
As hamsters are so small, a single apple seed can be fatal for the little creature.
How Much Apple can I give my Dwarf Hamster?
The recommended portion is an ear-worth of fruit at one time, which is what they can eat in one sitting. If they have too much, they pouch it and hoard it, which means the fresh fruit will spoil in their stash.
Dwarves and hybrids are prone to diabetes, so their diet should be carefully monitored and their owners careful with the amount of fresh fruit they give.
And How Often can I give my Hamster Fresh Apple?
It's advisable to alternate the treats and fresh fruits and veg, so once a week is enough for their recommended portion of apple.
Hamsters are omnivorous animals, which means they eat both plants and meat. They usually prefer to eat a lot of seeds, grains, and other plant material, but they also eat small insects. In the wild, hamsters will also eat fruits and vegetables when they can find them.
Can Hamsters Eat Apples with Skin?
Your hamster can eat apple with skin, just make sure it's washed first, to remove pesticide and other toxic substance.
Are there Benefits of Eating Apples for Hamsters
There are several benefits of feeding apples to hamsters. First, apples are a good source of fiber, which can help keep their digestive system healthy. Second, they contain antioxidants, which can help protect their cells from damage. There has not been many studies focused on hamsters yet, but the antioxidants are thought to help reduce the risk of certain cancers. Third, apples are a good source of Vitamin C, which can help boost their immune system. And finally, they are high in water content, which can help keep your hamster hydrated and healthy.
Overall, if you are looking for a tasty and nutritious occasional treat to give your hamster, apples are definitely a great choice.
Alternatives to Fresh Apples
Apple Baby Food
You can offer some apple based baby food, but you need to make sure there's no lemon or other citrus. As you can only offer a very small amount at a time, why not pour in ice cube trays, freeze, and only defrost one cube at a time to avoid too much waste.
Apple Juice
Most hamsters have a sweet tooth and will enjoy apple juice – it must be unsweetened, no sugar, no additive and strictly no lemon., but again, in a very small dose as a one-off treat. Water is to be preferred for their regular source of hydration.
Being so small, dwarf hamsters don't drink a lot, but if you really need to encourage drinking, maybe as advised by your vet, you can put juice in his bottle, leave it for a few minutes, then take it out, rinse and fill with drinking water. The smell of the residue is enough to attract most hamsters without them ingesting anything harmful.
Apple Sauce
Yes, apple sauce can also be given to dwarf hamsters.
It's best to go to the baby section of your supermarket or store, and check the label to make sure there are no added sugars or sweeteners. Only give a small amount as a treat.
It needs to be given in very small quantity (there's always a risk of apple sauce softening their stools).
Dried Apples
Even if dried apples are natural, the drying process results in concentrated levels of sugar – glucose and fructose – and calories. Dwarf Hamsters especially are prone to diabetes, which means that dried apples should better be avoided.
A one-off ear-worth portion won't affect your hamster too much, but it's best not to make it a regular treat.
Bake your Dwarf Hamster an Apple Treat!
If you are looking for inspiration to celebrate your hamster birthday for example, here are some ideas based around apples:
Hamster Apple Pie
As a one-off exceptional treat ,you can bake with apples and give a cake to your hamster.
To make an apple pie, you will need:
1 and half teaspoon of flour
a drop of peanut butter
1 teaspoon of apple cube
Mix the flour, a drop of peanut butter and a bit of water until you form a dough-like mixture. Roll it with a little rolling pin (or a straw). Make a very small pie pie in foil, and put the dough in it. Cut off any excess. You can even use a toothpick to make indents on the side of the dough.
Bake for 2 minutes. Fill the pie crust with the apple cubes mixture. Cover with a circle of dough. Put back in the oven and bake for 5 to 8 minutes.
Hamster Apple Crumble
To prepare a very cute little apple crumble, you will just need walnuts and apples.
Put the walnut into a sealed bag and crushed them to a powder. Chop the slice of apple into little cubes. Put the cubed apple into a tiny pot and cover with the crushed walnut. Voila, crumble for hamster!
Apple Slices
Another treat idea for your hamster, and you will need apples, a little bit of flour and seeds or herbs and flowers. Strictly no lemon.
Cut your apple in very thin slices, remove the middle section. Dry them in the oven (bake them on one side for 1 hour at 90C, then turn and cook the other side for another 1 hour or more). They will harden as they cool down.
Bake a couple of spoonful worth of flour in the oven: it sterilise it and give it a nutty flour.
Once the flour has cooled down, mix with water to form a liquid dough, spread your apple slice and stick either seeds mix, or herbs or flowers (that are safe for hamsters).
Treats from the Apple Tree for your Dwarf Hamster
If you have an apple tree in your garden, it can be a great resources to find treat and boredom breakers for your hamsters, and not just wait for the fruits. It will need to be free of pesticide, and for safety it is recommended to freeze all parts to sanitise them. 48h in your freezer will generally be enough.
Some owners prefer to boil everything (just add to boiling water), and dry before giving them.
Hamsters will enjoy apple leaf (as usual, in very small amount, )sticks from apple tree. Just be careful of the sharp ends, you do not want for your hamster to try to pouch them and injure himself in the process.
The branches are also safe, and can be used in your natural enclosure.
In Conclusion
Overall, while it's important to be mindful of the sugar content in apples, they can make healthy and safe treats for your dwarf hamster when given in moderation. Just be sure to avoid dried apples, and take care with any sharp ends on apple branches or leaves. Have fun baking up some delicious apple-themed treats for your furry friend!