There are over 20 species of hamsters, but mainly 5 who are popular as pets. These are the Syrian hamsters, and the dwarf hamsters: Campbell’s dwarf hamster, Winter white dwarf hamster, Roborovski dwarf hamster and Chinese hamster.
When it comes to diet, there are some general similarities between these different types of hamsters. However, there are also some important differences to bear in mind due mainly to their size difference. Dwarves hamsters are much smaller and therefore have different dietary requirements.
One common question that many new hamster owners ask is: can my dwarf hamster eat vegetable, and specifically, can my dwarf hamster eat a popular vegetable like cabbage? So, let’s take a look at whether or not this vegetable is safe for your furry friend.
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Can Dwarf Hamsters eat Raw Cabbage?
Cabbage is on the safe list of vegetable for dwarf hamster, so yes, dwarf hamsters can eat raw cabbage. Just make sure it stays an occasional treat and is given in moderation.
You have to remember that cabbage is a diuretic, so giving too much to a hamster can disrupt their urinary system, or just cause diarrhoea.
There is a big list of vegetables who might be a much better choice, and will provide your hamster with the vitamins and minerals they need without putting them at risk for any health problems.
Is it okay for a Syrian Hamster to eat Cabbage?
Whether or not a Syrian hamster can eat cabbage comes down to the same answer as for Dwarf hamsters. Cabbage is safe for hamsters to eat, but should only be given as an occasional treat in moderation, due to its high water content which could lead to diarrhoea.
There are other vegetables that might better for your furry friend and that will provide them with the nutrients they need, so it’s worth looking into what these are and making sure your hamster gets a balanced diet.
Should I give Raw or Cooked Cabbage to my Hamster?
Raw vegetables are best, and are what your hamster would naturally find in the wild.
However, it is fine to give cooked cabbage, providing it was not cooked with any unsafe ingredients or is mixed with anything unsuitable.
if you’re giving your hamster cooked cabbage, make sure it is boiled and has cooled down completely before giving it to them, as there is a risk of burns.
How can I Introduce Cabbage to my Hamster
If you’re looking to add cabbage to your hamster’s diet, it’s best to start slowly. Give them a small ear-size amount, and see if your little pet is even interested in trying it.
As always, moderation is key, so don’t go overboard! You want to avoid your hamster pouching the whole thing and hiding it away, in one of his storage area where the cabbage would turn bad.
How Often can I Safely give Cabbage to a Hamster
It should be rarely, no more than once a week – and your hamster will appreciate if you offer a variety of treats and a selection of vegetables over time.
The safe size portion for a dwarf or a Syrian hamster is a portion the size of his ear.
You will quickly see what are the favourite vegetable and fruits for each individual, as for all species, taste vary between individuals.
Make sure the cabbage is cleaned thoroughly in fresh water to remove any trace of pesticide and any nasties before giving it to your hamster.
Are there any Benefit to Cabbage
Cabbage is a good source of dietary fiber, which can help with regularity and digestion. It’s also a good source of vitamin C, vitamin K, and potassium.
Some people are so convinced by the benefits they are recommending to drink cabbage juice daily! It might be good for their cholesterol level, but absolutely not recommended for hamsters.
Cabbage also contains a compound called sulphoraphane, which has been shown to have cancer-preventing properties. However, it’s very important to note that this is only present in very small amounts and is not likely to have any significant effect in hamsters.
Overall, cabbage is a healthy vegetable that can occasionally be safely fed to dwarf hamsters in small quantities. Just be sure to introduce it slowly and watch for any adverse reactions.
The best cabbage you can offer is of course one you grow yourself, so you know for certain they are free of pesticides and other chemicals that would be harmful for your little pet. One of the benefits of cabbage is that it’s one of the vegetables you can harvest all year round .
Are there any Risk with Cabbage?
Anything that is negative for humans will be much worst on a tiny animal, so if you think a food is harmful to you, don’t feed it to your hamster.
For us, the negative effects would require us to eat a ridiculous amount, but we are still aware of the minor (but unpleasant) effects, such as flatulence, diarrhea, and hypothyroidism.
Can Dwarf Hamsters eat Raw Kale?
Kale is a member of the cabbage family, as are broccoli and cauliflower. Kale has with large edible leaves which has become more and more popular, even being called a superfood .
When it comes to feeding kale to hamsters, the same rules apply as with cabbage. So, while kale is not poisonous, it should only be given in moderation as an occasional treat.
The main difference between kale and cabbage is that kale is a lot more bitter. This might not sound like a big deal, but it can actually make quite a difference to your hamster.
Bitter greens are generally not as well received by hamsters as other vegetables, so if you’re going to give kale to your hamster, it’s best not to have your hopes up and be disappointed if they are completely uninterested.
Can Syrian Hamsters eat Raw Kale?
The same rules and observations apply as with Dwarf hamsters. You can try to offer kale to your Syrian hamster and see if they are interested at all.
What can you do if your Hamster doesn’t like Cabbage
If your hamster doesn’t seem to like cabbage, there’s no need to force them to eat it – there are plenty of other healthy foods they can enjoy. Some hamsters may also be more sensitive to the sulphur compounds in cabbage, which can cause gas and bloating. If this is the case, it’s best to avoid feeding cabbage to your hamster altogether.
If you’re looking for other vegetables to add to your hamster’s diet, some good options include small portions of carrots, broccoli, green beans, corn, cucumber…
What Vegetables are Toxic to Hamsters?
There is a need for more studies and the toxicity of fruits and vegetables is not yet fully understood for hamsters, owners need to be aware of the potential dangers. The list of vegetables that are potentially toxic to hamsters include:
- Avocado
- chili pepper
- chives
- garlic
- iceberg lettuce
- onions
- olives
- raw kidney beans
- raw potatoes
- scallion
- tomato leaves
Is Cabbage a good Name for my Hamster
Cabbage is not an awful name, but it’s probably not a name that reflects your hamster personality, or their preferences. Hamsters can appreciate cabbage but they have other favourites. Maybe best to choose a name that you think suits your hamster best.
Many other animals whose diet contains greens will eat cabbage.
Final Thoughts
Cabbage, while healthy, should not be given to hamsters in large quantities as it may cause gas and bloating. There are a variety of other vegetables that hamsters can enjoy, such as carrots, broccoli, green beans, corn and cucumber. Owners should always be aware of the potential dangers of feeding their hamster toxic vegetables and fruits. If you have any concern at all, it is always best to ask your specialist vet.