The term coconut can refer to the palm tree, the seed, or the fruit of said tree. Botanically speaking, a drupe is a fleshy fruit with a hard stony covering; thus making it not technically classified as a nut. So many sweet or savoury recipes around the world use the fruit as an ingredient.
But can our furry friends enjoy this popular food?
Coconuts are not a natural food source for hamsters. In the wild, hamsters would not typically come across coconuts. However, this does not necessarily mean that coconuts are harmful to hamsters, let's have a look:
Table of Contents
Can Hamsters eat Coconut?
As a treat, meaning in moderate frequency and moderate amounts, coconut can safely be given to your hamster, whether they are Syrian or Dwarf.
The main concern with feeding coconut to hamsters is the high fat content. A coconut typically contains 33g of fat per 100g of fruit! This can cause obesity and other health problems. It explains why you should only add a very small portion at a time.
What Parts of the Coconut can my Hamster Eat?
The edible parts of a coconut are the flesh and the water. Coconut flesh is soft and has a mild, sweet taste. Coconut water is the liquid you find in the centre of a green coconuts. That juice is also sweet and is often used in tropical drinks.
By pressing the grated flesh of more mature coconut, you obtain coconut milk.
The hard, fibrous outer layer of the coconut is inedible. This would cause digestive issues if your hamster eats too much of it.
How to Prepare Coconut for my Hamster?
As always, organic coconuts make a much better choice , as they are free from chemicals.
Can I give Fresh Coconut to my Hamster
Yes, you can give your hamster fresh, grated coconut flesh as a treat.
Hamsters being funny little things, they may very well be uninterested and not want to eat it.
Don't worry if this is the case, some hamsters prefer dried coconut , while others may only like the water. Others don't like them at all! But it's nowhere near an essential part of their diet, so don't fret. Hamsters do not actually need coconut.
Can I give Dried Coconut to my Hamster?
Yes, you can give a hamster dried coconut. It's a safe treat that most hamsters go crazy about.
Due to the high concentration of natural sugar, dried coconut like any dried fruit should only be given in moderation and occasionally. Sugar is not healthy at all for hamsters, and Dwarf Hamsters especially are prone to Diabetes.
So, only offer a small amount of dried coconut as an occasional treat every few weeks.
Can I give Coconut Water to my Hamster?
It is not unsafe for your hamster to drink coconut water .
Coconut water is the clear liquid that's inside a young, green coconut. It's low in calories and fat but high in electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals. This makes it a healthy treat for people and animals alike.
Some people think it's safe to offer your hamster a very small amount of coconut water as an occasional treat.
However, it is really important to check the labels before purchasing any coconut water product, as some contain added sugars which are not good for hamsters.
It is even more important to remember that hamsters do not drink a lot, and fresh water is really the only recommended drink.
Can you put Coconut Oil on Hamsters?
Coconut oil is a popular natural product that has many uses, and is used by some owners a moisturizer for their skin.
Be aware that coconut oil will not make fur grow back, it is just a moisturizer helping with dry skin.
A word of warning: never use any form of topical medication on your hamster without first consulting a veterinarian.
Hamsters groom themselves almost compulsively, and will ingest anything put on their fur or their skin, so any topical medication given to your pet should be done under vet prescription only.
Losing fur or dry skin can be signs of medial issues, you need to find out the cause before starting any treatment.
Can I use Coconut Oil to Silent a Noisy or Squeaky Wheel?
Hamsters are known to try chewing everything that comes in their way, even your fingers if they smell interesting. You have to be extra careful to use only safe products around them, as they will try to taste them.
Coconut oil is safe for hamsters if used in small quantities and it can help silent a noisy wheel. Simply apply a small amount of oil to the affected area with a cotton swab. The oil will lubricate the metal parts and stop the noise.
What about Coconut Soil?
Hamster are natural burrower and love to hide and play in sand or soil. You should let them follow their natural instinct to dig and create tunnels and burrows. You simply need to add a container to their enclosure and fill it with coconut soil for them to dig in.
Coconut soil is a safe and natural substrate that can be used in the hamster's cage. It is made of coconut fiber and is 100% organic.
You can buy loose soil, or compressed soil.
Compressed soil, Coconut fiber brick, is actually designed to be soaked and used in humid terrarium.
For a hamster, you need to soak it in water, then bake it dry. It cannot be put in a hamster enclosure still wet or damp. It can take a few days for it read, and it involves a lot of work.
You can use loose coconut soil straight from the bag, simply filling in the container.
If your coconut fiber starts to get lighter in colour, it means it is getting too dry, and possibly dusty. Then you need to spritz it with some water but make sure it is not wet in the enclosure.
Can I add Coconut Husk Chip to my Hamster enclosure?
Hamsters generally don't seem that bothered or interested by that substrate, and its' not something they can use to make their burrow, but it is safe, and you can always add some to provide different textures and make an interesting living environment for them
Can I give a Coconut Hide to my Hamster?
Coconut hides are a very popular item for small animals, and hamsters are no exception!
Coconut hides provide a safe place for your hamster to hide away and feel secure. It also looks perfect in a naturalistic setting and can add some much-needed enrichment to your hamster's life.
You can make the hide yourself or buy one.
To make your own:
Get a small, clean, dry coconut shell.
Use a sharp knife to cut a doorway into the shell.
Make sure the doorway is large enough for your hamster to fit through easily.
Make sure all the edges are smooth and there's no risk of injury for your little furry friend.
You can also buy pre-made coconut hides from pet stores. These are usually safe for your hamster to use. You can find half coconut hideouts, with smooth or rough surface
What can I do if my hamster starts using his coconut as a toilet?
Hamster poop is dry and odourless, so it's not an issue and you can just leave it. If you want to clean it up, you can use a small brush or pick it out with your fingers.
However, if your hamster starts to urinate, it's bad news for the coconut. Natural wood, or natural coconut shell will absorb the urine and it's impossible to clean them properly.
If this happens, you will have to remove the coconut quite soon, it will start to smell badly very quickly. You can also try to potty train your hamster by offering another sand bath to put in another corner.
To Conclude
Coconut husk chips, coconut fiber, and compressed soil can be added to a hamster's enclosure for different textures and interesting living environments. A coconut hide provides a safe place for your hamster to hide away and feel secure.
A little portion of coconut flesh, fresh or dried, can be given to your hamster as an occasional treat.