Hamsters are cute, cuddly and furry animals that make great pets. They are omnivore and need a varied diet, mainly seeds and grains based, but also containing both fresh fruits and vegetables as well as a small amount of proteins to meet all their nutritional needs.
They’re also known to be quite adventurous eaters, so it’s no surprise that many owners wonder if their hamster can eat cheese.
Of course, It’s best practice to ask your exotic veterinarian if you are unsure about feeding your hamster certain foods such as cheese. This article will provide an overview which is not meant to replace professional advice.
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What is Cheese?
Cheese is a dairy product made from curdled or fermented milk. Cheese is mainly made with milk from cows, goats, and sheep, but it is also possible, if rare, to make cheese from other animals such as camels and reindeer.
It comes in a vast array of varieties, colors, and textures depending on the source of the milk, age, and how it is processed. Commonly-available types include cheddar, mozzarella, brie, feta, blue cheese, provolone, and Swiss. Cheese is enjoyed by millions of people around the world as a snack and as part of many dishes. But what about our small furry friends? Can hamsters eat cheese?
Are Hamsters Lactose Intolerant?
The main question that must be answered is whether hamsters can have milk in the first place.
Milk and lactose are a controversial food, and for a long time it was believed that hamsters were lactose intolerant. This idea was exacerbated by the size comparison between your average cow and a little hamster, which led to the assumption that their digestive systems were not built for dairy and could not cope with natural food produced for such a big animal.
However, studies have since revealed that no, hamsters are not lactose intolerant at all. They have a pre-gastric pouch to digest lactose enzyme and have no issue with dairy products.
It is not harmful as originally thought if they lick or nibble something that was cooked or baked using butter or milk.
Can Hamsters eat Cheese
Yes, it is safe for hamsters to eat cheese in small amounts as part of a balanced diet. Cheese is an excellent source of protein, calcium, and fat for your hamster, but it should only be given as an occasional treat.
A hamster portion is the size of their ear!
Cheese can be quite salty and high in fat, so it’s important to keep servings small to avoid any health issues. Cheese can also be given in the form of shredded or cubed pieces.
Cheese that are quite popular to give your hamster are things like cheddar, gouda, mozarella, marble cheese.
You need to make sure the cheese is not seasoned, and contains no added pepper or added garlic, no added jalapenos. It must also be mould-free. Blue cheese is extremely toxic for hamsters. You also bear in mind the high salt content which is present in cheese and is not safe for the hamster kidneys.
The first time you offer cheese, only allow a couple of nibbles and monitor the animal for a couple of days to ensure there’s no negative reactions.
Can Syrian Hamsters eat Cheese?
Yes, Syrian hamsters can eat cheese in addition to their balanced diet. Hamsters are very inquisitive and enjoy trying and tasting food and all sorts of flavours , so they may enjoy their cheese as a treat.
Avoid giving them too much, not only is it not healthy, but if they pouched the cheese and store it, the enclosure will start having an unpleasant smell.
Can Dwarf Hamsters eat Cheese?
Yes, Dwarf hamsters can be given a small portion of cheese, the size of their ear, as a very occasional treat. Due to their little size and their digestive system being more delicate than a Syrian, the treat should be given more occasionally, for example no more than once a week.
Should Hamsters enjoy Cheese as part of their Diet?
Cheese can be a great occasional treat for hamsters, as it is an excellent source of protein, calcium, and fat. However, cheese should not be given too often or in large amounts.
Diversity of treats is the best way to add interest and the right nutrients to your animal’s diet.
It is not recommended to give such a rich treat more often than once every couple of weeks.
Do Hamsters like Cheese?
Most hamsters seem to enjoy the taste of cheese. They will often eagerly nibble on small pieces of cheese, and it can be used as a reward during training sessions. Hamsters have a very developed sense of smell, so notice everything, but the strong smell of cheese can be an extra encouragement for them to destroy a boredom breaker you made using cardboard or safe natural product to hide their treats inside.
Can Hamsters eat Cheese Puffs?
Cheese puffs are a snack food usually made of cornmeal, salt and cheese. They can also include a variety of other ingredients such as wheat starch, seasoning, and food coloring. Cheese puff snacks typically have a chewy texture and a strong cheesy flavor. Some brands also offer flavors such as cheddar, sour cream & onion, and barbecue.
Cheese puffs are not a recommended treat for hamsters as they contain a lot of artificial ingredients and preservatives, which are unhealthy for such small animals and can be harmful for your pet.
As a one-off treat, it will be okay for your hamster to have a few cheese puffs. However, it is not recommended to feed them on a regular basis as it may cause digestive issues or lead to weight gain.
Overall, when considering snacks for your pet hamster you should opt for more natural options such as fresh fruits and vegetables.
Can Hamsters eat Cream Cheese?
Cream cheese is a soft, spreadable cheese made from cow’s milk. It has a mild and tangy flavor, with a creamy texture that gives it the name. Cream cheese can be found in many varieties, including those made with reduced-fat or fat-free ingredients. Cream cheese is widely used as an ingredient in baking recipes. Its high fat content doesn’t make it the best treat for your hamster.
Can Hamsters eat Cheesecake?
Cheesecake is a popular dessert, made of a creamy mixture of cheese, sugar, eggs and cream. The most common type of cheesecake is made with cream cheese, but variations can be made with ricotta cheese or cottage cheese. Cheesecakes are often topped with a fruit-based topping such as strawberry or blueberry.
Cheesecakes can make a great treat for human beings, but it is not recommended to feed this dessert to hamsters. Cheesecake contains high sugar content and fat, both of which are unhealthy for hamsters in large amounts. The high sugar content is dangerous for little animal naturally prone to diabetes, or could cause other health problems for your hamster. Additionally, the creamy texture and rich flavor of cheesecake may be too appealing to hamsters, leading to over-consumption. It is best to avoid this type of treat altogether when it comes to feeding your hamster.
Final Thoughts
Cheese can be a tasty treat for your hamster, but it is important to exercise caution when feeding cheese. Cheese should only be given in small portions as an occasional snack due to its high fat and salt content. When selecting cheeses for your pet, make sure there are no added seasonings or jalapenos which could cause health issues if ingested by the hamster. Cheesecake should also not be fed to hamsters because of its high sugar content and risk of over-consumption. Ultimately, while cheese may seem like a nice treat, it’s best served sparingly and carefully monitored when providing this food item for your furry friend!