Hamsters are omnivorous and typically eat a variety of items in their diet, including seeds, nuts, fruit, vegetables, and even insects. They also seem to enjoy popcorn as a treat!
Popcorn comes from a unique variety of corn kernel which puffs up when heated, it then has a hard shell and a fluffy interior. Contrary to a common belief, popcorn and sweet corns are completely different varieties. Popcorn is typically prepared by popping it in hot oil or butter, then is sprinkled with salt, sugar, or other flavorings. All these ingredients are not recommended for your hamster, but is popcorn alone safe, and can dwarf hamsters eat popcorn at all?
Table of Contents
Is Popcorn Safe For Dwarf and Syrian Hamsters?
To be safe, popcorn must be made
- without butter
- without oil
- without seasoning
Only natural and air-popped popcorn is safe.
Can Syrian Hamsters eat Popcorn?
Yes, Syrian hamsters can eat popcorn, it\’s generally a very appreciated snack. However, it is important not to give them too much as it can cause an upset stomach. It\’s best to give them only a few pieces at a time as part of a healthy and balanced diet.
Can Dwarf Hamsters eat Popcorn?
Despite their little size, dwarf hamsters can absolutely eat popcorn, but like Syrian hamsters, only in moderation, and without anything added to them.
How Much Popcorn can Hamsters Have?
A good rule of thumb is to give your hamster no more than a couple of pieces of popcorn at a time. If you\’re unsure, it\’s always best to err on the side of caution and give them even less. Just a few pieces will be plenty for them to enjoy as a treat!
As with any food, it\’s important to monitor your hamster while they\’re eating popcorn to make sure they\’re not overeating or having any adverse reactions. If you notice anything unusual, discontinue giving them popcorn and consult your veterinarian.
How Often Should Hamsters eat Popcorn?
It\’s safest to keep popcorn as a very occasional treat. A once a month treat will be plenty enough and safe.
Can Hamsters eat Popcorn Every Day?
No it really is not recommended to give popcorn every day, even if you stick to air popped pop corn. Popcorn should be a treat, not part of the hamster daily diet.
What can Dwarf Hamsters eat as a Snack?
Dwarf hamsters can have a variety of snacks, but it\’s important to make sure they are healthy and safe. Some good options for dwarf hamster snacks include:
- Yogurt
- Plain (unseasoned) cooked chicken
- Cooked egg (with no runny yolk)
- Plain cooked tofu
- Mealworms
- Cheese
- Pasta
- Rice
- Nuts
- Fruits
- Leafy Greens and Other Vegetables
Any snack is an occasional treat, and should only be given in very small amount, very occasionally.
How do you Make Hamster Popcorn?
Caring owners will be reassured to know you can absolutely make popcorn without any oil or butter and keeping it safe for their little friends.
All you need is a non-stick pan or pot, and it\’s important, that has a tight-fitting lid!
Simply pre-heat your pan, drop a few drops of water to check it\’s hot but the water is not sizzling immediately or you need to reduce the heat. When it\’s at the right temperature, add an even layer of popcorn kernels, cover, and shake the pan constantly – every couple of seconds or so – to ensure the kernels are cooking evenly and importantly that they do not burn.
After about 2 minutes, you should start to hear the popping noise and once it starts, don\’t take the lid off! The will be done once the popping slows to a few seconds between pops.
Pour your hot popcorn into 2 bowls, one for you, one for your hamster. You can add seasoning to yours, keep the popcorn natural for your little friend.
Can I give Buttered Popcorn to my Dwarf Hamster?
Butter is basically just fat, so is absolutely unhealthy and should not be given to dwarf hamsters , or any hamsters. The same goes for any other type of oil.
Adding butter to your popcorn will not make it safe for your hamster, in fact, it will just make it more harmful. So stick to air-popped and natural popcorn to be on the safe side.
The advice is exactly the same for Syrian hamsters.
Can I give Salted Popcorn to my Dwarf hamster?
Salt in itself is important for body functions for all of us, but causes serious health issues as soon as the needed quantities are exceeded.
Salt will interfere with the way hamsters store and absorb water, which would be reason enough to avoid it. It also cause cramps, dizziness, all these things that you do not want to inflict on your little furry friend.
If a hamster is showing signs of being salt deficient, it would indicate that\’s he\’s diabetic and you should seek advice from a professional veterinarian.
Can I give Cheese Popcorn to my Dwarf hamster?
Cheese popcorn are snacks made with popcorn kernels, cheddar cheese powder (or grated cheese if you have not got the powder option), and lots of butter. Cheese and butter are far too rich and unhealthy for a little animal, and really should not be given to your hamster.
If you want to give popcorn to your hamster, it is highly recommended that you stick to air-popped and natural popcorn. You can add seasoning to yours, but keep the popcorn natural for your little friend. Butter and cheddar might make a tasty treat, but cannot be qualified as healthy.
Can I give Sweet Popcorn to my Dwarf Hamster
Sugar should not be given to hamsters, dwarfs or Syrian in any form (aside from the natural sugar contains in fruits). It is extremely unhealthy, damages their teeth and causes digestion problems .
Dwarf hamsters especially are prone to diabetes, so are even more at risk from a bad diet and given the wrong treats.
So, to answer the question, no, you cannot give sweet popcorn – or any other form of sugary treat – to your dwarf hamster.
What Flavor Popcorn can I give to my Dwarf Hamster?
The recommended portion is very small, so it\’s not really necessary or advisable to add flavour to your animal popcorn (ie made without fat or added ingredients). If you are really keen on offering a special treat, why not add grated apple.
Animal Popcorn is just popcorn made from smaller cobs, so the larger version made for human is perfectly safe too, provided it\’s natural.
Can Hamsters Eat Popcorn Kernels/ Un-popped Kernels?
No, you should not give kernels to any hamster, Dwarf or Syrian. Kernels should be fully popped when given as a treat.
The un-popped kernels can be a choking hazard and can damage their teeth.
Can Humans eat Popcorn that Hamsters have Nibbled on?
It is not recommended to eat popcorn that hamsters have nibbled on, as their saliva may contain bacteria which can be harmful to humans. The reverse is also true, don\’t give your hamster any food that you have been nibbling on first.
Are Many Hamsters given the Name Popcorn?
Popcorn is an adorable name for hamsters, and is quite commonly given. Other popular food-related names include Cracker, Cookie, Peanut, and Jellybean. All these name are very well suited for this greedy little balls of fur who love their snacks and treats !
To Conclude
Popcorn is a safe and healthy treat that your dwarf hamster can enjoy on occasion. Just be sure to give them only a few pieces at a time, with no added ingredients, and monitor them closely while they\’re eating to make sure they don\’t overeat or have any adverse reactions. If you have any concerns, consult your veterinarian. happy popping!