Can Dwarf Hamsters Eat Lettuce

Dwarf hamsters are a type of small rodent that is popular as a pet. There are actually 5 species of domesticated hamsters: Syrian hamsters, and the four dwarf species which are the Winter White hamster, the Russian Campbell\’s Dwarf hamster, the Chinese hamster, and the Roborovski hamster. Because they are much smaller than other hamster … Read more

Can Hamsters Eat Kiwi?

Originally named Chinese gooseberry, the fruit was renamed Kiwifruit in New Zealand for his resemblance to their national kiwi bird. There are 3 main varieties, mainly the Green Kiwi and the Gold Kiwi. In recent years, a new Red Kiwi has started to appear in the market but is still fairly rare. Kiwi is a … Read more

Can Hamster Eat Crackers?

A cracker is a thin, dry biscuit typically made from a very simple recipe: flour, fat (oil or butter), a bit of salt, sugar and water, baked in the oven and served crisps. You can add pretty much any seasoning or flavouring to the recipe, such as cheese or herbs, seeds or sprinkle them on … Read more

Can Dwarf Hamsters Eat Popcorn?

Hamsters are omnivorous and typically eat a variety of items in their diet, including seeds, nuts, fruit, vegetables, and even insects. They also seem to enjoy popcorn as a treat! Popcorn comes from a unique variety of corn kernel which puffs up when heated, it then has a hard shell and a fluffy interior. Contrary … Read more

Can hamsters eat yogurt?

While hamsters are cute and cuddly, they also require a specific diet to stay healthy. Many people wonder if yogurt is an acceptable food for hamsters to consume, as it is high in protein and calcium. Yogurt is simply made by fermenting milk. It is considered a healthy and tasty snack for us, as it … Read more

Can hamsters eat coconut?

The term coconut can refer to the palm tree, the seed, or the fruit of said tree. Botanically speaking, a drupe is a fleshy fruit with a hard stony covering; thus making it not technically classified as a nut. So many sweet or savoury recipes around the world use the fruit as an ingredient. But can … Read more

Can dwarf hamsters eat spinach?

There are 5 species of domesticated hamsters, Syrian hamsters being the largest species, and four dwarf species which are: the Djungarian (also called the Winter White) hamster, the Russian Campbell's Dwarf hamster, the Chinese hamster, and the Roborovski hamster. Dwarf hamsters are prone to diabetes which means that owners needs to keep track of their … Read more

Can hamsters eat green peppers?

Peppers, bell peppers, or sweet peppers, are a common sight in many gardens and grocery stores. They are members of the nightshade and capsicum family, which also includes tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplants. Technically they are fruits, botanically they are berries, but in the culinary world they are vegetables. Peppers come in many colors, shapes, and … Read more

Can hamsters eat squash?

There are many different types of squash vegetables, but they all have one thing in common – they're all delicious! They are generally grouped between summer squash (including the zukini squash) and winter squash. Some of the most popular winter types of squash include butternut squash, acorn squash, spaghetti squash and pumpkins. Each type of … Read more

Can dwarf hamsters eat apples and apple seeds?

Some words of introduction Yes, apples can be given in moderation, but it's very important to know that apple seeds are extremely toxic, and to bear in mind a few facts about apples and dwarf hamsters. What is so specific about dwarf hamsters and what do people mean by that? There are around 20 different … Read more