What happens if my hamster eats toilet paper?

Many hamster owners remember spending evenings as a child shredding toilet paper to use as bedding for their precious little hamster. Care advice has changed a lot over the years, and people have now realised that many things used in the past were unsuitable or dangerous, and things like small cages, hamster balls, wood-shaving, cottons … Read more

Can hamsters live together in the same cage?

It is a natural thing to want to keep more than one hamster since they are so adorable. You might be worried a single hamster would be lonely and bored, or you might have a vision of social little creatures, cuddling and sleeping together, and If you have your heart set on having multiple hamsters, … Read more

Best burrowing substrate for hamsters

Hamsters are popular small pets that can be found in many homes. They are known for their playful and curious nature, as well as their love of burrowing. In order to make sure your hamster has a happy and healthy home, it is important to provide the right substrate for them to burrow in and … Read more

Can hamsters drink out of a water bowl?

Water is essential for hamsters and they of course need to have access to clean fresh water at all time. Hamsters are desert animals, coming from Syria, Northern China and some parts of Europe where they are living in rocky sparse areas or along sandy deserts, so have adapted to dry environment but they do … Read more