Water is essential for hamsters and they of course need to have access to clean fresh water at all time. Hamsters are desert animals, coming from Syria, Northern China and some parts of Europe where they are living in rocky sparse areas or along sandy deserts, so have adapted to dry environment but they do need water.
They don't drink a lot, but still drink and you can complement their water intake with fresh fruits and vegetables – in the hot summer months hamster-safe size portions of cucumber will be a refreshing treat helping them to keep hydrated and healthy.
Table of Contents
Can and Will Hamsters Drink out of a Bowl?
Hamster bowls give access to water in the most natural way. In the wild, hamsters have no access to anything resembling a water bottle, so their natural instinct is to drink from a puddle or small stream
Any hamster will naturally know how to use their dish.
It is true that hamsters can be funny little things and as with anything else, some hamsters will show a preference for a little bowl, while others will go first towards their bottles.
There's no need to make a distinction between hamster species, their preference depends on the individual but all hamsters know how to drink out of a bowl instinctively.
Why Use a Hamster Bowl?
Water dishes are a lot easier to clean, and the owners more likely to change the water every day which is very important for the health of your pet. Hamsters need fresh water – especially at night when they are out and about.
You might not notice the level of water dropping so obviously, because hamsters are very small creatures. Be reassured they will drink!
How Much does a Hamster Bowl Cost?
Water bowls for hamsters can be found at most pet stores and online shops and vary in price. You need them to be big enough for the hamster to have access to water at all times, big enough that they are not too easy to tip over, but small enough that your hamster cannot end up taking an unwanted bath in them (which you really want to avoid).
Do make sure they are safe and not made from materials that could hurt your hamster if they chew on it.
They don't need to be expensive. The best options are glass tea light holders and these are very good value for money as well as being the perfect size.
Should you get a Hamster Water Bottle or a Bowl?
There is quite a debate about the pros and cons of water bottle vs bowls for hamsters.
Cons of the bowls:
Some people have argued that bowls could be dangerous. Because they are open, they could collect bacteria, and hamsters could fall and drown in them. As we are talking about a tea light holder size, not a washing bowl, there really doesn't seem to be any risk of drowning in such a small container.
A water bowl or dish can be tipped over, of get full with bedding -or food if your hamster randomly decides to put things in it.
Pros of the bottles:
Water bottles are often seen as more convenient, they don't spill and you can see at a glance how much water your hamster has drunk.
If a vet has advised the hamster to be encouraged to drink more water, a water bottle has some advantages. You can rub a tiny amount of peanut butter on the water bottle snout to encourage your hamster to drink. They should rush to lick the treat and start drinking in the process.
Another safe way is to put fruit juice in the bottle, leave it for a few minutes, then empty it, rinse and fill with fresh water. There will be enough residue of fruit sugars to make the water more attractive to your hamster.
Cons of a bottle:
Do water bottles create less bacteria? They might be less open, but the spout and inside are harder to reach and clean thoroughly and bacteria will build up.
Owners are less likely to clean them and change water daily, when the hamster really should have fresh water given every day.
If the bottles are not set up right, the animals will have to be in a very awkward and unnatural position to drink.
The water bottles can drip or leak and everything around, bedding or substrate, will be wet and needed to be changed.
It's too common that an air hole blocks the water, or that ball inside the spout gets stuck and prevent hamster from drinking. If you have a bottle, you must check it everyday.
In Germany, the advice is against water bottles because it is not believed that they are good or safe for hamsters.
In summary,
there are next to no cons to a water dish, and hamsters will be happy with them.
How to Set Up a Hamster Bowl?
The easiest is usually to put it on a platform that is easily accessible by the hamster. Do not restrict access by putting it anywhere that is not reachable: such as a level only accessible by these horrible horizontal tubes which hamsters cannot climb easily, or worst get stuck into. Do not use these popular bridges with open gaps between the wooden steps, the hamster will be at risk to breaking a toe or a leg when they get stuck.
The benefit of a platform is that they keep the bowl away from bedding and substrate so the water will stay clean all night.
How do you Set Up a Water Bottle:
When you have a bar cage, you obviously can hang it on the bars.
Cage or cage tank, you can buy a stand for it. As always, make sure it's safe and the hamster cannot get stuck in a small opening, or can't chew it.
In a cage tank, use industrial strength velcro – any other won't be strong enough. Cut 2 strips in the size you need. Use the sticky side to attach 1 piece on the tank, 1 piece on the bottle, and that's it. Now you just velcro the water bottle to the wall, and you can easily take it off every day to clean it.
Alternative Drinking Tools
Ceramic Automatic water dispenser/ ceramic drinking fountains – and safety issue.
You can find ceramic versions, with capacity of around 100ml, which should allow you to leave your hamster for a short time. The ceramic should be heavy enough to stop the pet from moving or tipping it over. HOWEVER, a very strong word of caution: if the hole is big enough for the hamster to go through (and they can squeeze through very small openings), these dispensers are extremely dangerous. The hamster will get stuck, and suffocate or die of shock. Some dispensers MAY be suitable for Syrian Hamsters, but most of these dispensers should never be used for a smaller species.
Another note is that when you cannot open them, it's impossible to clean them properly.
Final Thoughts
It is important to remember that there are a variety of different ways that you can provide your hamster with water. Some options, like water bottles, may be more convenient but they also have their drawbacks. Hamsters can drink from bowls or dishes, as long as they are placed on a platform so the water stays clean and accessible. You can also find automatic water dispensers but be sure to choose one that is safe for your hamster. No matter which option you choose, it is important to check your hamster's water supply daily and clean it as needed.
It's also important to remember that a hamster drinking too much could indicate health issues and it's important to get them check by your local vet, it could for example be a symptom of diabetes .
The best advice is to use both and give them the choice!
It's just as cute to see a little pet lapping the water from the bowl, as to see a hamster doing acrobatics to drink his bottle.