Can Hamsters Eat Kiwi?

Originally named Chinese gooseberry, the fruit was renamed Kiwifruit in New Zealand for his resemblance to their national kiwi bird. There are 3 main varieties, mainly the Green Kiwi and the Gold Kiwi. In recent years, a new Red Kiwi has started to appear in the market but is still fairly rare.

Kiwi is a popular fruit that humans enjoy regularly, but can hamsters eat it too? Let\’s have a look to know if it\’s a safe fruit or not.

Do Hamsters eat Kiwi Fruits in the Wild

Kiwi is a small, edible fruit that is native to China and was first introduced to New Zealand in the early 1900s. They are named after their resemblance to the kiwi bird, a national symbol of New Zealand. Kiwis fruits have a unique shape, with a brown furry skin covering bright green flesh, and small edible black seeds.

Kiwis are commonly associated with New Zealand, even if they didn\’t originated there, as it\’s the country which cultivate commercially them commercially so kiwis sound like an alien fruit for hamsters. These little animals are illegal in New Zealand. It\’s one of the countries with the strictest regulations regarding animal imports, and where hamsters are banned like Australia, Hawaii.

This is why hamsters are not likely to find kiwis in the wild, and why owners will wonder if it would be a safe fruit for their little pet.

Can Hamsters eat Kiwi Fruits?

Despite not being a fruit they naturally encounter, kiwis are on the safe food list and can be given as a treat.

Hamsters are omnivore, meaning they eat both plants and animals. Even if grains are the main part of their so a variety of fruits and vegetables should be added to their main daily diet.

Kiwi is safe for hamsters to consume and it\’s also very beneficial for them.

Kiwis contain lots of beneficial vitamins and minerals that help support hamster’s health, including high doses of vitamin C, which helps support a strong immune system and helps to protect against disease. They’re also a good source of fiber, potassium, magnesium, and are rich in vitamin C, which helps with the absorption of iron from food and also helps keep their skin healthy. They are also a good source of dietary fiber, which keeps their digestive system working properly so they avoid any blockage or constipation.

Can Hamsters eat Too Much Kiwis

Kiwis are not high in sugar as other fruits, like apples or grapes, but despite that it\’s important to keep an eye on the quantity given to your pet.

Hamsters are quite sensitive to foods and can experience digestive issues if they are fed the wrong ones. Kiwi is not a problem for them, but the size of it should be taken into account when choosing how much to give.

Hamsters natural instinct is to hoard food: to pouch as much as they can and hide and store it into one of their burrow. Not only is kiwi a bit squashy and pouched kiwi makes a lot of mess, but it won\’t last long, as it can start to go bad and your hamster will end up eating something spoiled.

For this reason, it’s important to stay mindful of the amount given; a safe portion is about the size of their ears, alternating with other fresh fruits or veg to give to your Syrian Hamster.

Dwarf Hamster don\’t need fresh treats more often than 2 to 3 times a week.

When you first introduce Kiwi to your Hamster

Follow common sense and your instinct: stick to a very small portion and observe the little animal. Some people are known to be allergic to kiwi, with symptoms going from unpleasant soreness in the mouth to anaphylaxis in the worst cases.

Of course, if you notice any of this with your hamster, stop feeding kiwi immediately and seek urgent veterinary advice.

Can a Hamster eat Kiwi Skin?

Kiwi skin is edible for humans, it has numerous health benefits, contains nutrients, fiber, antioxidants. However, it also contains a high concentration of oxalate than the flesh, and should not be eaten by people suffering from kidney stones.

For this reason, you should not give kiwi skin to your hamster. Their body and digestive systems are much more fragile than ours!

Can a Hamster eat Dried Kiwi?

Dried kiwi is a popular snack food, made by removing the moisture from kiwi fruits and then dehydrating them. It is usually dried to maintain its original shape and preserve its flavor and nutrients. The drying process helps to maintain the sweetness of the fruit and creates a chewy texture. Dried kiwi is often sold as a snack or added to cereals, muesli and other desserts.

Dried kiwi is not an acceptable treat for your hamster, since it has high sugar content.

Fresh fruit is a much better option and should be served as an occasional treat. A safe amount is about the size of their ears, alternating with other fresh fruits or vegetables to give your hamster a balanced healthy treat.

Can I Give Kiwi Juice to my Hamster

Hamsters are desert animals, so don\’t naturally need a lot of drink – fresh water must be made available to them at all time of course.

There\’s not health benefit in giving fruit juice of any kind to a hamster. It is much better, healthier and safer to stick with fresh water.

Kiwi juice is also high in sugar, which is not recommended for these little animals naturally prone to diabetes, especially the Dwarf species.

Unless specifically advised by a vet to help with medication for example, it\’s recommended not to give any juice, Kiwi or other juices, to your hamster.

Can I Give Kiwi Ice Cream to my Hamster

Kiwi Ice Cream is not an acceptable treat for your hamster. Not only does it contain a high amount of sugar but also cream and many artificial ingredients that can be harmful to their delicate digestive system.

Hamsters are desert animals, so they don\’t need any kind of sweet treats and instead should stick to fresh fruit or veggies as occasional snacks – in small quantities

Baking a Hamster Kiwi Cake

Hamsters should only be fed a healthy natural diet, and owners need to avoid sugar and any processed food and treats. However, for a special occasion, you can bake a cute little cake to give to your little friend. Here\’s the recipe for a Kiwi Cake, Hamster-style.

The ingredients you will need are: a teaspoon of – egg, milk, oil, flour, greek yogurt, kiwi.

It\’s very simple. Mix together a teaspoon of egg yolk, a tea spoon of milk, a tiny bit of oil, a teaspoon of flour to make your dough.

If you haven\’t got a hamster-size cake dish, you can make your own with foil.

Whip the egg white, and add a teaspoon and sprinkle with some sugar. Whip together until you reach a firm consistency. Add a teaspoon of greek yogurt and whisk gently. Add the mix to your cake dish, covering the dough already there.

Bake until brown (5 minutes to start, then check regularly, it\’s tiny). When ready, take the cake out of the mould.

Mash a little bit of kiwi, and use that puree to top the cake. Give to your little pet to enjoy!

In conclusion

Hamsters can eat kiwi fruits in moderation. The size of the pieces should be taken into account when giving it to them and they should not be given too often. It is best to avoid giving any kind of juice or skinned kiwis as these are high in sugar and oxalates which could cause digestive issues for your pet. If you want to give a special treat, baking a hamster-sized cake with mashed kiwi topping is an excellent option that will surely make your furry friend smile!