Can hamsters eat raspberries?

This is a question that has been asked by many people, some people will say that it is okay for hamsters to eat raspberries, while others believe that this fruit can be harmful to them. In order to make an informed decision, let's have a look to the basic facts and reassure hamster owners:

Can Hamsters Eat Raspberries? Yes, hamsters can eat raspberries. Raspberries are a great source of fiber, and they also contain vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants, which can help keep your hamster healthy.

Raspberries are a type of fruit that is native to Europe and North America. They are a reddish-purple color, and they grow in small clusters. You can grow them in your garden, and select different varieties, growing from mid summer to autumn to give you a good supply of the fruit.

However, you should only give your hamster a small amount of raspberries at a time, and as always you should always make sure that your hamster has plenty of fresh water to drink.

Hamsters are omnivores ,so technically they eat any type of food in the wild, fruit, vegetable and insects included, but they have a preference for a grain-based diet. They will appreciate some variety and occasional fresh fruit treats, and raspberries are one of these fruits they can enjoy.

How Many Raspberries can a Hamster eat?

When it comes to raspberries, as with any other fresh fruit, you should only give them as an occasional snack, 2 -3 times a week for a Syrian hamster, once a week for a Dwarf.

A perfect portion is a hamster-ear size portion. It is enough for them to enjoy, not too much that could impact them, causing digestive upset and diarrhoea. You also don't want such a big portion that they would want to pouch and store it, as it will spoil in their stash.

Raspberries contain natural sugar, and owners can be concerned about giving too much sugar to their hamsters, especially to Russian campbell dwarfs, Chinese hamsters,or hybrids who are prones to diabetes.

Does Sugar cause Diabetes?

Studies have shown that diabetes in hamsters can be linked to 2 things. One is genetics, the other is poor diet and lack of exercise, poor diet which can include amounts of refined processed sugar. However fresh fruit is not going to give diabetes to your hamster, don't worry about adding them in reasonable portion size to their diet. The natural sugar contained in fruits is not the enemy.

Do Hamsters Like Raspberries?

Hamsters are funny little things, with very personal temper and taste. Raspberry will be the favourite fruit of one individual, and not even been touched by another.

Start by offering a little piece for them to try and see what their reaction will be.

What Parts of the Raspberries can my Hamster eat?

Your hamster can eat the entire raspberry, including the seeds and skin. Rinse them carefully to get rid of any pesticide residue before giving them out.

Another part of the plant that some owners might overlook is the leaf!

Give Raspberry Leaves to your Hamster

Owners can be concerned about the safety of raspberry leaves because of the little prickles. However, these are not sharp enough to hurt your hamster, and they will actually enjoy eating them.

To encourage their natural forage behaviour, handmade or safe shop-bought forage mixes are an interesting enrichment, and a highly recommended addition to their treats. Along millet spray, chamomile, etc.. dried raspberry leaves makes a good complement to the forage mix.

It is a worth noting that raspberry leaves are helpful in case of diarrhoea.

How to Dry Raspberry Leaves

The best time to harvest raspberry leaves is late spring/ early summer, before the plant flowers. Spread out on a single layer to let them dry, you can use bamboo trays for this, to let the air circulate. The leaves will shrink a lot when drying, so pick up more than you think you need.

The quickest way is of course to use a dehydrator if you have one, and set it to around 40-50°C. If not, the leaves can dry in your oven: put a single layer on a baking sheet, leave in the oven set at its lowest temperature setting and check regularly until fully dried. Remove when they are getting crispy.

Once the leaves are brittle, store them in an airtight container away from moisture. They will last around 6 months this way.

Alternatives and other Ways to give Raspberries to your Hamster

Raspberry baking ideas for your hamster:

This wouldn't be recommended as part of their daily diet, but here are some ideas for occasional treats given every few weeks, or to celebrate their birthday!

Hamster Raspberry Cupcakes Recipe

Preheat oven to 350 F.

Ingredients: flour (any flour apart from self-raising, buckwheat is a favourite), water, 2 bowls, raspberries, peanut butter.

Mix 3 tablespoons of flour with approximatively 2 tablespoons of water then add a drop a peanut butter, and knead together to make a dough. Shape into tiny cupcakes.

Mix a bit of flour, water and the crushed raspberries, then cover the top of your cupcakes.

Put it in the oven and bake for around 15-20 minutes. Let it cool down.

Alternative Raspberry Cupcake Recipe

Mix the whole-wheat flour and water together until it forms a dough. Transfer one scoop of dough to a separate bowl. Add a raspberry and stir until combined and the dough is pink.

Form the dough into 9 to 12 tiny “cupcakes” and place on a parchment-lined baking sheet.

Top each cupcake with some raspberry mixture to look like frosting. Sprinkle with millet, if desired.

Bake for 5 to 7 minutes or until firm. Remove from the oven and let cool.

Store leftover cupcakes in an airtight container in the freezer for up to 3 months.

Shaped Raspberry Treats

You will need oats, water and flour – again any flour is safe to use (except self-rising) but buckwheat will be the healthiest to use.

Make a juice by blending water and fruit. Mix the juice with oats and flour until you get a dough consistency (add flour or water as needed to reach the dough).

Cut into tiny shapes. Tiny shapes cutters, pastry stamps or mini cookie cutters will make the cutest shapes.

Bake 10 mins / 325° F. Let it cool and serve

Hamster Halloween Cupcakes

You will need: 1 tablespoon of mashed bananas,

1 tablespoon of mashed raspberries

2 tablespoon of flour (buckwheat still the healthiest, no self-rising)


optional: food dye

mini cupcake cases

Mix the flour and banana, add the food dye and water until the dough is completely smooth (not too much water, you want something a bit thicker than mashed banana consistency). Fill around half of each cupcake case covering the sides too, leaving a little hole in the centre. Fill in that centre with the mashed raspberries. Cover the top with some batter to close your cupcake.

Bake at 150 for 15 mn. Let them to cook.

Once cool, use the rest of the mashed raspberries to ice the cupcakes. Add a pea to decorate.

Voila, a Halloween treat for your hamster!

Making Art with your Hamster and Raspberries: Paw Prints Canvas

Why not making a keepsake of these very cute little paw prints?

Take a blank canvas, crush raspberries and blueberries, and let your hamster walk on the canvas with raspberry feet. Crushed fruits are the perfect way to get a paw print canvas safely without paint. Your hamster should forgive you for making his paws dirty once!

To Sum Up

Make the most of your raspberry season, and that means it will be time to get creative with how you serve them up to your hamster. From raspberry-flavored treats to fun and festive Halloween cupcakes, we've got you covered. And if you're looking for a way to use those extra leaves from your raspberry bush, we've got a recipe for that too. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start picking (and eating) raspberries! Just remember to save some for your hamster, they don't need that much to be happy!