Can hamsters eat egg?

Hamsters are cute and small rodents that live mainly on a diet of seeds, nuts, and fruits. But can hamsters eat egg? Some people are surprised to discover that hamsters are actually omnivorous.

Hamsters are not obligate carnivores like cats or dogs; in fact, about 80% of their diet is plant-based with a preference for grains. This also means that they can eat some animal protein sources such as eggs.

Can Hamsters Eat Eggs

Yes hamsters can eat eggs. Eggs have to be given in moderation, not as a daily ration, but they are a very good source of protein and most hamsters really enjoy them. They have a high fat content, which is why they shouldn't be given in too big quantities. If you end up with an accidental litter, egg is also good for pregnant hamsters and for the babies once they start eating real food.

You can give your hamster an egg yolk or the whole egg, but be aware they have to be fully cooked first. Scrambling it or hard-boiling it are both good options.

We normally talk about chicken eggs, but quail eggs would made a good treat too.

Can you give Scrambled Egg to your Hamster

Absolutely! Most hamsters love scrambled eggs and it can be one of their favourite treats.

Just make sure they are prepared without milk, butter or any salt and pepper. Any hamster-safe herb is fine of course, but as you only give such a small amount, they are not necessary to add to the recipe.

Put the treat in a little bowl or plate and watch your little pet snatch it greedily. Most hamsters really enjoy them.

Can you give Boiled Egg to your Hamster

Hamsters can eat boiled egg, but you want them reasonably hard boiled, you can imagine the mess of runny yolk in the cage. Anything sticky should be avoided, in case the hamster tries to pouch the food.

Can you give your Hamster Egg Shell

Eggshells are made of around 40% calcium, proteins and minerals. The high calcium content explains why they are commonly used as a calcium supplement for people and animals.

Eggshells are usually ground into a powder to make them easier to consume and prevent injuries to your mouth or throat. This powder can be added to your hamster's food or water.

There's a risk that egg shells can be contaminated with bacteria, bringing risk of salmonella

Never give raw eggshells, they should be washed and boiled first.

When they are given a normal balance ,there's no need to add supplements for hamsters. They naturally will just ignore the shells, so no need to feed them powdered shell.

Can you give Raw Egg to your Hamster

No, it's not recommended to give raw egg to your hamster, whatever way you choose to prepare it, make sure it's fully cooked.

Can you give Fried Eggs to your Hamster

No, you should not give your hamster fried eggs. Cooked egg yolk and white are fine for them, but the oil is not. You should only give egg that has been cooked without any butter or oil.

Can you give Poached Egg to your Hamster

The advice is pretty much the same for raw or poached egg: don't give it to your hamster, but make sure any egg is cooked thoroughly before giving it to them.

How Much Egg can a Hamster Eat

As for every new food, the first time you give something new to your hamster, stick to hamster ear-size portion and wait for a few days.

The rule carries on for any treat, to be given as a small portion only, every few days.

Apart from an upset stomach, the reason behind smaller portions is to avoid them storing food in their burrow where it can then spoil and rot.

Can Hamster eat Egg Biscuits

You might come across egg biscuits for small animals in various pet shops, but just because they are available for sale does not man they are recommended. Check the list of ingredients and the sugar content, being especially careful for dwarf hamsters.

A little piece as a treat (the recommended portion is always an hamster-ear size) is generally appreciated by hamsters!

Homemade Egg Biscuits

As always, these are not intended to become part of their diet, but as a very occasional treat. Here's what you need to make them from home:

Ingredients – which will give you enough biscuits to share with your little hamster!

-10g of flour. The healthiest flour for hamsters is buckwheat. Plain flour is not dangerous, but obviously not as healthy.

-70g potato starch

(which helds better at higher temperatures than cornstarch)

-10g powdered milk

-1 egg yolk

-6-7 tsp of water

Start by preheating your oven at 170C/ 330F and line a baking tray.

Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl: the starch, flour and dry milk. Then add the egg, and mix carefully until you get a crumbly dough. Add water as needed until you get a sticky dough. A dry dough will make cracks appear during the baking process, but won't ruin the biscuits.

Roll the dough and make little balls, place on the baking tray and bake at 330F for 8 to 10 minutes, until the biscuits are light golden.

What about Egg Fried Rice?

Of course the take-away version is not to be given with your pet.

however, you can made your own version:

Rice is absolutely fine for hamsters, as long as it is cooked and dry. Take a small portion, add a little bit of egg, and a little bit of chicken, and you have a treat ready!

Can you Use Cardboard Egg Box

Cardboard egg containers can make excellent boredom breakers for your hamsters, to be left in their cage or to use in their play pen when they have their play time. They just need to be clean, and to have all sticky labels removed. Hamsters tend to like to destroy them, but don't actually eat them so make sure it is safe and they will have a lot of fun.

Egg Tray Maze for Dwarf Hamsters

You just need 2 pieces of egg tray of the same size -as big as you wish.

Glue the outside edges of each box together – the safest way is to mix flour and water and use that as glue.

Once it's dried, you can put some seeds or little treats inside to encourage your hamster to explore.

Egg Tray Maze for Syrian Hamsters

Again you just need need to cut 2 pieces of egg tray of the same size, as big as you can. Remove every other edge (so keep one edge, cut off the next etc..). Glue together the remaining edges, each tray facing out. Use the same mixture of flour and water to make the glue.

Once dry, you have a fun maze for your Syrian.

Egg Carton Seed Toy

You can use half, or the entire egg carton for this.

Make a glue paste with flour and water. Put that glue in the bottom of each edge. Add seeds, leave to dry.


Fill an egg box with hay, hamster treats, and close the box.

Or you can wrap the treats with tissue. Hamster have an excellent sense of smell and it shouldn't take yours long to attack the egg box and find the treat inside. Favourite treats are peanuts, sunflower seeds…

In conclusion

Whether you are giving your hamster cooked or raw eggs, make sure they are fully cooked before serving. As always, egg should only be given as a very occasional treat. And if you want to get creative, there are plenty of fun and interesting ways to use eggs in playtime with your hamster at next to no cost for you!