Can Hamsters eat Cashew Nuts?

Hamsters are small, furry creatures that many people keep as pets. They are famous for their full cheeks full of food, and known for their playful nature and love of food.

Cashew nuts are a type of nut that is high in protein and fatty acids. They are also a good source of magnesium, potassium, and zinc. They are excellent for us to nibble on, but can hamsters eat cashew nuts too?

What are Cashews?

Cashews are not strictly nuts, they are part of the \”drupes\” family, fruits fleshy on the outside, and on the inside containing a shell covering a seed. The cashew apples grow on trees native to Brazil. Ivory Coast and India are now the leading producers.

Raw cashews contain around 44% of fat, 30% of carbohydrates, 18% of protein and 5% of water.

They also contain copper, magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron, vitamin K and B6. Cashew nuts are rich in antioxidant like polyphenols and carotenoids.

There are many ways to add cashew nuts to your diet, you can eat them whole, as a butter or paste, toasted, as flour or in vegan milk. People spread them on toasts, add them to their yogurts or morning muesli. Whipped with lemon or apple vinegar, cashew nuts make an excellent dairy-free sour cream and cream cheese.

Can Hamsters eat Cashews

Hamsters are omnivore, which might surprise some people, but they have a mainly vegetarian diet, eating mostly grains and seeds, and some fruits and vegetables. They may also eat insects and other small prey.

All domesticated hamster species have pretty much the dame diet, Syrian hamster need s lightly bigger quantities than Campbell\’s Dwarf, Winter White, Robos. That said, Campbells and hybrids are prone to diabetes, so their diet has to be carefully monitored.

Organic, and raw cashews make an excellent treat for hamster, as they are packed with nutrients, and have a high fat content. The protein and fat in cashews will help your hamster maintain a healthy coat and energy levels.

Cashews nuts also contain copper, which is essential for the proper functioning of many enzymes, including one that helps produce hemoglobin. Copper also helps keep bones and blood vessels healthy.

In moderation, cashews make a healthy treat for your hamster. Be sure to alternate other fresh fruits and vegetables as well, and limit the number of treats to every couple of days for a Syrian, and twice a week for a Dwarf hamster. If you are unsure whether your hamster will like cashews, start with a small piece to see if they show an interest. If they do, you can offer them a few more. If not, try another type of nut or seed.

Can Hamsters eat Salted or Roasted Cashews?

No, you should not give any processed nut to your hamsters, spice and additive, sugar or salt are not good for their delicate digestive system. Always give them fresh, unsalted, unroasted nuts.

Can Hamsters eat Cashew Shells?

Cashew nuts are never sold in their shells, because these are actually very harmful!

Cashew tree belong to the same family as poison ivy, and they produce a toxic oil. The cashew nuts are surrounded by a lining filled with oil causing dangerous and hurtful allergies.

Not only are cashew solely sold already out of their shells, but they are never sold raw either. They must go through a two-step heating process to be safe for human consumption. The first step is then to remove the oil from the shells, and the second is to heat them.

The raw cashew nuts you find in stores are in fact just not roasted yet.

For all these reasons, cashew shells must never be given to hamsters , as they will be very harmful to them but you shouldn\’t come across any in the shops.

Can you give Cashew Butter to your Hamster?

Cashew butter is made from blending cashews into a smooth paste. It is a good source of protein and healthy fats, magnesium and essential amino acids, but it can also be high in sugar.

A tablespoon of cashew butter contains around 8g of fat, 1 g of sugar.

The fat content makes it hard to digest for these little animals, and not recommended for hamsters who are prone to obesity and diabetes.

Can you give Cashew Ice-cream to your Hamster?

Cashew ice-cream is traditionally made with cashew butter, cashew milk (or almond or coconut milk) which is already high in fat, and then added sugar – usually maple syrup, sometimes cream, and other flavourings.

This treat is therefore very high in sugar and fat, and not recommended for hamsters at all even if it\’s a home made one. The store bought ice-cream are likely to be even more unhealthy as additive or flavouring will be added.

Can you give Cashew Cake to your Hamster?

It is very tempted to give a share of a mouth-watering cake to your little friend. Cashew cakes, like the Filipino cake \”Sans Rival\” can be found in many bakeries.

These cakes are made with cashew meringue, buttercream or whipped cream, and often dusted with chopped cashews on top.

A small piece of cake won\’t kill your hamster, but it\’s not a good idea to give them sugary food on a regular basis as it can lead to obesity and diabetes. Try to give them healthier alternatives such as fruits and vegetables instead.

Can you give Trail Mix with Cashew to your Hamster?

Trail Mix is a mix of dry roasted nuts, seeds, dried fruits and sometimes chocolate chips. It is a very popular snack for humans, but not so much for hamsters.

The main problem with trail mix is that the ingredients are often roasted with salt or sugar, which is not good for hamsters.

If you really want to give your hamster trail mix, make sure that it is unsalted and sugar-free, and does not contain any chocolate. It is much better and safer to make your own mix at home with healthy ingredients.

Here is a list of safe ingredients for hamsters: unsalted peanuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, cashews, almond, raisins, cranberries, and apricots.

What Nuts are Safe for Hamsters?

Pretty much any nut that can be eaten by human can safely be eaten by hamsters.



Brazil nuts



Nuts in their shelves make great boredom breakers, but when you give food items like a walnut which has very hard shells , you need to crack it open a little bit to start.

Then make sure no sharp edge can hurt your little pet.

Are any Nuts Poisonous to Hamsters?

Bitter almond are extremely dangerous for hamsters and must never be given to them. They are not safe for human consumption either. They contain toxic chemicals like cyanide. It slows the nervous system and cause extreme respiratory distress.

They are only used for cooking.

Can you Call your Hamster Cashew?

Cashew is quite a popular name for hamsters. But if you want to get more creative, here are some other name ideas for your little nut-loving hamster:






There you have it, some fun and creative name ideas for your cashew-loving hamster! You can chose what nut fits best depending on the colour of your little hammie.


So, can hamsters eat cashew nuts? The answer is yes, but you should only give them fresh, unsalted and unroasted nut, once they have gone through the heated process to remove toxics. Cashews are a high-protein and fatty nut that is also a good source of magnesium, potassium, and zinc. They make a great boredom breaker for your hamster and are perfect for their vegetarian diet. Just be sure to avoid giving them processed nuts or those with sharp edges that could harm them.