Can hamsters eat broccoli?

What is broccoli?

Broccoli is a vegetable that is part of the cabbage family. It is green in color and has small flower buds. Broccoli is a good source of vitamins and minerals

It is a rich source of vitamin K, vitamin C, chromium and folate.

Broccoli also contains dietary fiber, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin E, manganese, phosphorus, choline, vitamin B1, vitamin A (in the form of carotenoids), potassium and copper.

Broccoli is also packed with vitamin B1, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, protein, zinc, calcium, iron, niacin and selenium.

Did you know that broccoli is said to help prevent cancer and improve digestion? This miracle veggie is also said to be great for lowering cholesterol levels, boosting the immune system, and protecting the skin. Not to mention, broccoli would eliminate inflammation, maximize vitamin/mineral uptake ,prevents birth defects ,lowers blood pressure  & improves vision & ocular health.

Broccoli actually cannot be found in the wild, it only exists because of selective breeding by farmers. It comes from "wild cabbage", which is a close relative to Brussel sprouts, kale, and cauliflower.

Today, 70% of the broccoli comes from China and India, USA being the 3rd largest producer.

As it's not something a wild hamster would ever come across, does it mean it is not a safe food for them to eat and should be avoided.

Can Hamsters eat Raw Broccoli?

Not only hamsters can eat broccoli, but they tend to be absolutely crazy about broccoli and for many of these little furry animal, it's one of their favourite treats!

How to Give Broccoli to your Hamster:

Ideally, you should give your hamster fresh, organic broccoli, but buy the best vegetable you can. Wash carefully, to ensure you remove any dirt or trace of pesticide. The florets could hide tiny insects , so it's best to give them a good check. Hamsters do eat insects, lizards and little animals in the wild, but you probably don't want your hamster to eat any creepy crawlies from the veg you're about to feed him.

You can give your hamster either the florets or the stalk of the broccoli, whichever he prefers. Some hamsters will only go for the florets, while others seem to prefer the stalks. Just experiment and see what your hamster likes best.

When giving your hamster broccoli for the first time, start with just a small piece to see how they react to it. Some hamsters may have a bit of trouble digesting broccoli, so it's best to start off slow and see how they cope with it. If there are no problems after 24 hours, then you can give them a bit more next time.

Can Syrian and Dwarf Hamsters eat Broccoli?

Yes, both Syrian and Dwarf hamsters can eat broccoli. In fact, all hamsters can eat broccoli, as it is not toxic to them in any way. Due to their tiny size, dwarf hamsters will obviously eat less than their larger cousins, the Syrian hamsters and should be given even smaller portions.

What about Baby Hamsters? Can they eat Broccoli too?

Yes, even baby hamsters can eat broccoli, although you may want to cut it into smaller pieces for them, as their mouths are very small. Baby hamsters should only be given very small amounts of broccoli to start with, as their tummies are very delicate. If they seem to be struggling to digest it, then stop giving it to them and try again in a few weeks time.

Can Hamsters eat Cooked Broccoli?

In the wild, hamsters will not come across cooked food, so of course their little stomach are designed for raw food. However, it will not harm them to give them cooked broccoli at all.

The broccoli must have been cooked without any additive, without seasoning or spices, without oil or butter. It will be less nutritious than it was raw.

The easiest way to cook broccoli , without any added fat is to steam it. Cut the broccoli into small pieces and place in a steamer basket over a saucepan of boiling water. Cover and cook for 3-5 minutes or until tender. Allow to cool completely before giving it to your hamster.

Can Hamsters eat Canned Broccoli?

You might not have noticed, but you actually cannot find broccoli in a can, it is exclusively sold fresh or frozen.

There is a very simple explanation, based on the process used to can vegetables. That process involves either boiling jars or using a pressure canner, but basically would turn broccolis into a mush.

To make the mush even worst, the canning process will turn the vegetable brown and create a horrible smell. This is not something you would want to give to anyone, and especially not your hamster to eat.

Can Hamsters eat Frozen Broccoli?

Yes, hamsters can eat frozen broccoli. Just make sure it is thoroughly defrosted and thawed before offering it to your little friend.

Frozen broccoli is actually as good, if not better than fresh broccoli – and the same will apply to all fruits and vegetables. Vegetables start losing their nutrients as soon as they are picked. Fresh fruits and vegetables will be handled a lot, packed, going through transport, and if not stored, spend time on the shelves waiting to be bought. All these factors have a big impact on the nutrient value of fruits and vegetables and by the time you get them home, they are actually not as fresh as you thought they were.

Frozen broccoli is picked at its peak of ripeness and frozen immediately, which means it actually keeps more of its nutrients than fresh broccoli.

So, if you have the choice between fresh or frozen vegetables, go for the frozen ones every time.

Can Hamsters eat Broccoli-based Baby Food?

Yes, hamsters can eat broccoli-based baby food. Just make sure it is thoroughly defrosted and thawed before offering it to your little friend when you store it in the freezer.

Even baby food could contain ingredients that are harmful to your hamster, so it is important to check the label before feeding it to your hamster.

The best baby food for hamsters would be one that only contains broccoli as an ingredient, with no added spices, salt, sugar or preservatives. You could also make your own pureed broccoli at home using a blender or food processor.

You can find a lot of flavour in the shops countaining ingredients that should be avoided:

– Onion

– Chives

– Garlic

– Shallots

– Leeks

– Scallions

All these vegetables belong to the Allium family and are actually toxic to hamsters. So, if you're going to give your hamster baby food, make sure it does not contain any of these vegetables.

On the other hand, these blends are easily found in shops and are safe for hamsters when they don't contain extra ingredients:

Peas, Broccoli + Potatoes

Pumpkin, Broccoli + Sweetcorn

Sweet Potatoes, Broccoli + Carrots

A teaspoon is a good serving size. The baby food does not keep for very long even in the fridge, so to avoid wasting most of it, why not filling up ice cube trays, freeze the content and defrost one cube at a time.

Make a Green Broccoli Salad for your little Furry Friend

If you want to make an extra cute little salad for your hamster, nothing could be easier. You need a hamster-size dish, and to fill it with tiny pieces of cut carrots, some broccoli, spinach. Do not over-feed them, but the hamster will be really

In summary

It is important to do your research before giving your hamster any type of food. Not all vegetables are safe for them to eat and some can even be poisonous. Unless advised otherwise by your vet, broccoli is a healthy vegetable that hamsters can eat, but make sure it is cleaned properly first. You can give your hamster baby food as long as it does not contain any harmful ingredients like onions or garlic.