Can hamsters eat bread?

It's a cute sight you can often see photos of, a hamster holding on a piece of bread and nibbling it. These little animals are rather greedy so it's rare they would refuse to eat a treat. But is it safe to give them bread?

Hamsters are not strictly herbivores like rabbits or guinea pigs; remember they are omnivores, which means that they eat both plants and meat. However, most of their diet should be grain-based, as this is what keeps them healthy.

Can Hamsters Eat Bread? What You Need to Know!

Is bread dangerous for your hamster? In itself, no, it's not dangerous if your pet nibbles on a small bit of bread from time to time.

Should you give bread to your hamster?

Bread is processed food, and far removed from food that is available in the wild, which is your first clue it's not advisable.

Bread also contains yeast, which can be harmful. It also surprisingly high in sugar, and has a high salt content. None of this are recommended for your pet.

So to summarise, no, you shouldn't really feed bread to a hamster. A little nibble as an occasional treat is the most you should give.

White Bread vs Whole Grain Bread

White bread is of course highly processed, has too much salt and sugar so really should be avoided. Whole grain bread is a little better, but again, it's best not to give any bread to your hamster as part of their diet. Bread has no nutritional value for hamsters.

Barley, buckwheat, millet, pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, are all on the safe list for hamsters. Of course any seeded bread containing these seeds and grains from the safe list will make a tasty occasionally little treat for your cute little rodent.

Can Hamsters eat Plain Toast?

Plain toast without any butter, margarine or other toppings is probably the safest option if you do want to give your hamster some bread, or if your hamster invite itself to share your breakfast during roaming time. But even then, it's best to give only a small piece as an occasional treat.

What About Giving Butter on Toast to your Hamster?

It's generally advised not to give butter to hamster, if nothing else it's obviously sticky and will get stuck in their pouch.

How about Mouldy Bread?

Of course mouldy bread should never be given to any animal, including hamsters. You wouldn't eat it yourself, mould could make you sick. The spores could trigger breathing problem for anyone suffering from allergies.

It would be even more dangerous for such a small animal who is more sensitive and much more at risk to become ill from mouldy food, even in small quantity.

Can Hamsters Eat French Toast?

The French call it "pain perdu". French toast is a dish made from bread soaked in milk, eggs and sugar and then fried. It is often served with syrup, jam, or powdered sugar.

Unlike many other animals, and contrary to popular belief, hamsters are not lactose intolerant so won't be hurt by an occasional few drops of milk. However processed sugar should never be given to hamsters, who are prone to diabetes and whose health will not benefit in any way from food like French toasts.

It means that no, you shouldn't feed French toasts to your hamster.

Recipes around bread for your hamster

These recipes are not designed to be included in your normal hamster diet, but only to be given as a treat very occasionally and in very small portion. As a one off or weekly, your hamster will really enjoy the treat!

Hamster Banana Bread Treat

You need:

3 eggs

1 banana

3 tablespoons of peanut butter

a tablespoon of honey

Put all the ingredients in a food processor, blend then add flour until you reach a cake batter consistency.

Put in a loaf pan and in the over – bake at 180 Celcius/ 350 Fahrenheit for around 10 minutes.

if you choose fresh banana, the treats will keep around 3 weeks in an air tight jar. With dried banana they will last even longer.

If you are worried about the high sugar content for a dwarf hamster: simply don't use honey, maybe half a banana, and more peanut butter – which should be the kind without added sugar.

Another Hamster Banana Bread

Ingredients you need:

A quarter of a banana

2 tablespoons of oats

1 tablespoon of flour

2-3 tablespoons of water

1/4 teaspoon of baking powder (In very small amount, it is safe for hamsters)

-Put the oats and about 2 tablespoons of water in a bowl, microwave for 30 to 60 seconds until the water has evaporated. (more water would only mean more time in the microwave)

-Add the banana and mush up the mixture with a fork very thoroughly.

-Add the flour and baking powder and mix.

-Place batter in a muffin tin or in a small DIY foil pan. Cook at 375 degrees Fahrenheit (or 190 degrees Celsius) for 12-15 minutes.

Let cool and let your hamster enjoy! The treats should last for a week, up to 2, in your fridge.

Mini hamster sandwich

Savoury sandwich:

Ingredients: tiny hamster bread,

and for filler: some dried pumpkin, sunflower seeds, and a bit of carrots.

Another savoury idea:

little square of wholegrain bread,

a drop of cream cheese as filler,

broccoli or other healthy treat to top.

Sweet sandwich

How to make them with your homemade hamster bread

You will need 1 tbs water,

2 tbs flour,

A sprinkle of instant yeast

2 blueberries,

hamster safe peanut butter

Mix flour and water together. Once it's smooth, roll into an oval shape, put in a bowl lined with parchment paper, cover bowl with film and let rise for 1 hour. Bake for 30mn at 350F/ 180C.

To make the jam: mash the blueberries, the skin gives the colour so make sure it's in the mix.

When the bread is baked, let it cool then slice it with a very sharp little knife because the bread is tiny! Add the peanut butter, add the jam, then put the bread together, and voila, sandwich.

Toasted bread and scrambled eggs

How cute to give your hamster a couple of tiny square toasted bread and a teaspoon of scrambled eggs for a special breakfast! As always, it's a treat, not part of their daily diet.

Seeds bake Treats

Instead of bread or seeded bread, even homemade, why not try these little seed bakes:

You need flour – the healthiest flour for your hamster is buckwheat flour, but you can also use chickpea or spelt or quinoa flour, coconut flour. Others are not harmful but are just less healthy.


Chia seeds


Flax seeds

and for example blackberry leaves and rose petals.

Preheat oven to 200F / 90C

Put 1 tablespoon of each seed, and 1 teaspoon of each herb together

Mix all the ingredients together. Add 1.5 tablespoon of flour. Add enough water to make a dough consistency.

Make little balls and place on a tray, or put them in a silicone mould. Put in the oven for around 20 minutes, then remove from the mould and place on a baking tray, and put tray back in the oven for another 20 minutes. As they are hamster treats, they need to be crispy, not soft (but not burnt either!).

These treats can be stored in airtight containers and fed in moderation to your little hamster.

Japanese Kawaii Hamster Bread Figurines

You might come across these adorable hamster figures online looking far too pretty to be eaten. Unfortunately they are not edible, they are not made of bread, but are resin art crafted by the artist Nakano Yoshi-ho. Still very cute to look at.


Without nutritional value, bread doesn't belong in an hamster diet, but they will enjoy an occasional treat.

Baking your own hamster bread is a fun and easy way to show your furry friend some love. Not only are these recipes healthy and tasty, but they’re also perfect for small animals like hamsters who need limited portions. Be sure to try out one of the sweet or savoury recipes today!