Also known as custard apple, butter pear, vegetable pear and even alligator pear, avocados are a fruit that grow on trees, even if some class them technically as berries. Coming from South and Central America then Mexica, they are now produced firstly in California, Florida and Hawaii and various regions across the world.
They are green when they are unripe and turn brown when they are ripe. Avocados are often eaten as part of a salad or as part of a sandwich. Avocados are a good source of dietary fiber, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, and potassium. Avocados are unique in that they're one of the rare fruits which contain healthy monounsaturated fat said to help reduce cholesterol.
There are a lot of benefits from the use of the avocado, going from preventing cancers to treat inflammation and osteoarthritis to help your blood pressure, digestion and even weight loss.
Avocado are still extremely rich, and very high in fat, so owners will wonder if hamsters can eat avocados, or will they be too difficult to digest and cause problems for the pet.
Table of Contents
Can Hamsters eat Avocado?
The flesh of avocado in itself is not toxic or dangerous as such for hamsters. It does contain some persin, a toxic dangerous for hamsters, but in small amount that are not considered hazardous for these little animals. It is worth nothing that the toxic content is higher in younger avocados, the more ripped they are, the smaller the content.
However, they have a real high fat content and are therefore not suited as a regular food for these little guys.
Therefore, it is not recommended to give them avocado as a regular food. If you want to give your hamster some occasionally as a treat, then it is ok but make sure that the flesh of the fruit appears more yellow and less green in color. Also only offer small pieces (one-fifth of a teaspoon) no more than once a week.
Can you give Avocado to your Syrian Hamster?
Yes, you can give avocado to a syrian hamster as a occasional treat. As explained above it is not recommended as a regular food due to its high fat content, but occasionally an small piece of avocado can be offered. This will not cause any harm to your pet but make sure it does not become its main food source.
Only give some of the flesh that has not been in content with the pit.
Can you give Avocado to your Dwarf Hamster?
Because Dwarf hamsters are obviously smaller, but also more fragile, more prone to diabetes , and have faster metabolism than Syrian hamsters, it is even more important to keep the avocado treats to a minimum. Let them have a tiny nibble very occasionally, but not too much and not too often.
Again, do not give them the flesh that has been touching the avocado pit.
How do you give Avocado to your Hamster?
Try to stick with organic avocados, as they are less likely to have been sprayed with pesticides or herbicides. Peel the avocado and remove the pit before giving it to your hamster. Cut a small piece of flesh off, about the size of a fingernail (one-fifth of a teaspoon) and offer it in their cage. Monitor them while they eat it, as some hamsters may not like the taste or texture.
The last thing you want is for hamsters to try to pouch some of the avocado, as it would make an awful mess when they try to store it in one of the food hides.
Remember that avocados should be offered to your hamster as an occasional treat and not as a regular food source. It is very important to make sure your hamster has a balanced diet so it can enjoy good health throughout its life. If in doubt, consult with your veterinarian.
Can you give an Avocado Pit to your Hamster?
No, there's really no reason to give an avocado pit to any hamster . The pit could potentially be a choking hazard and it's not really going to provide any nutritional value. If you want to give your hamster something to gnaw on, there are much better options out there! Edible treats, cracked walnuts, peanuts are a much safer choice.
Avocado Pit also contain persin which is a toxic substance and a very dangerous one for a hamster. Rodents have shown to be especially sensitive to its toxicity. It means, keep your hamsters away!
Can you give Avocado Skin to your Hamster?
As the pit, avocado skin and leaves also contain persin , a very toxic substance for hamsters. It cause diarrhea and vomiting, difficulty breathing, and heart problems.
So, the answer is no, you can't give avocado skin to your hamster, not even in small quantities.
It is very likely the hamster will just show no interest in the skin and try to ignore it completely, but it's not worth the risk . As with the pit, keep the skin away!
Can you give Avocado Oil or Avocado Butter to your Hamster?
These products are made from the flesh of the avocado fruit and as such are not toxic to hamsters. However, due to the very high fat content, it is not recommended to give them at all.
Avocado butter is made by mixing the flesh of ripes avocados with pure butter, sometimes salted butter. This is definitively a very unhealthy treat for hamsters and should be avoided. Butter is hard to digest for these little animals, as well as creating other health issues later on.
Avocado oil is made by cold pressing the flesh of avocados, or allowing the mashed pulp of ripe avocadoes to dry – sometimes in the sun, but either way, it still contains too much fat to give to your pet.
Overall, there are better options out there that provide more necessary nutrients without risking giving your hamster a diet rich in fats. It is best to avoid avocado altogether.
Can you give Avocado Jam or Avocado Jelly to your Hamster?
Avocado jam is less common, but very easy to prepare. It is simply a mix of very ripe avocados, left to simmer in sugar and lemon juice for about 1 hour, and has the same consistency as other jams.
So avocado flesh might not be banned for hamster but allowed occasionally, and contrary to popular belief, lemons and citrus in general are not toxic to hamsters, or too acidic to be safe. Hamsters might however not be keen on the taste. Sugar however is really not recommended for these little animals, whatever the species of hamster, so avoid giving them avocado jam or jelly. It's just not worth it.
It has no health benefit for them and there is no reason to assume they would like it. Stick to the safe treats mentioned before and stay away from anything with sugar. Fresh fruits and fresh vegetables are much better.
Can Hamsters eat Guacamole?
Guacamole, or "guac", is a popular and enjoyable dip or spread for humans, but is not made with avocado alone. It contains other ingredients as well, such as onions, chili peppers, and garlic, which are not on the safe food list for hamsters. So, no, hamsters cannot eat guacamole .
Hamsters must not be given garlic or onion.
In short
Hamsters can eat small amounts of fresh avocado, but should never be given the pit, skin, leaves to eat as they are extremely toxic. Oil, or butter avocados are better to be avoided also. Avocados are high in fat and can cause health problems for hamsters if given too often. Guacamole is not safe for hamsters to eat because it contains other ingredients that are not safe for them.