Dwarf hamsters are a generic name used to call the various Dwarf domesticated species called Campbells, Winter Whites, Chinese or Russian Dwarfs.
The Chinese Dwarf hamster is the smallest of the common pet hamsters, growing to only about 2-3 inches long. Despite their small size, dwarf hamsters are very active and playful animals.
They are also known to be quite nippy, so it is important to handle them carefully and choose toys and accessories that are safe for them to chew on.
Dwarf hamsters are omnivores, which means that they eat both plants and animals. In the wild, their diet consists mostly of grains, seeds, insects, and other small animals. In captivity, dwarf hamsters can be fed a variety of foods, including pellets, vegetables, fruits, and occasional treats.
Technically part of the fruit family, walnuts are a popular treat for people and animals alike.
A walnut is a type of nut that is high in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, and has a variety of other health benefits. Walnuts can be eaten raw or roasted, and are a popular ingredient in many recipes.
Are walnuts safe for dwarf hamster and Syrian hamsters?
Table of Contents
Can Dwarf Hamsters Eat Walnuts?
Yes, walnuts are safe to give to your hamster. They tend to be one of their favourite treats, and walnuts are definitively hamster approved! Any Dwarf species of hamster, including the Campbells, Winter Whites, Chinese or Russian Dwarfs will love to munch on these crunchy nuts.
Walnuts are made up of 65% fat and about 15% of protein, so while your little friend might enjoy making a whole meal out of them, it is safer to only give in moderation as part of a healthy and varied diet.
As with all new foods, it is best to introduce them slowly to avoid upsetting your hamster's stomach. Start by giving only a small piece of walnut, and if there are no adverse reactions after 24 hours, you can give a little more the next day.
Always try to give them organic nuts, to make sure they don't contain harmful chemicals
Can Syrian Hamsters Eat Walnuts?
Syrian and Dwarf hamsters can equally enjoy the treat. Syrian are a bigger breed and can handle a slightly larger portion of nut but , as with all foods, moderation is key and they should only be given as a treat.
Can Hamsters eat Walnut Shells?
Hamsters don't really eat walnut shells, they just happily chew through it to access the walnut. The shell may need to be cracked slightly first as they are so hard and you don't want your hamster to hurt their teeth. Walnuts are a great boredom breaker when left in their shell.
It's quite a funny sight to see a hamster trying to carry a walnut across their cage and trying to make it through the opening of their hide.
Can Hamsters eat Roasted and Salted Walnuts?
No, there's no health benefit whatsoever for hamster and you should stick with fresh walnut, not give them any roasted or salted varieties.
It's not safe to give food roasted in oil to a hamster. Walnuts already have a very high fat content, adding more fat with the oil isn't good for their health and their digestion.
It's not safe to give too much salt to any animal either. On such a small hamster, it can quickly cause health problems including kidney damage and dehydration.
Can Hamsters eat Honey-glazed Walnuts?
Honey is not strictly poison for any hamster, but really should be avoided. It has not positive nutritional value for them, and can cause problems with their digestion.
Sugar is also not good for hamsters. It can cause obesity, tooth decay and other health problems. Dwarf hamsters are especially prone to diabetes. It means it's best to avoid honey-glazed or sugary foods altogether. They will enjoy natural walnut just as much if not more.
Can Hamsters eat Walnut Chocolate?
Chocolate is a controversial food and many owners are very wary of it, possibly because chocolate is harmful for dogs .
However, studies have shown that chocolate is not harmful to hamsters, and in fact they seem to enjoy the taste. The main thing to be careful about is the amount of sugar and fat in the chocolate and only give it in strict moderation.
How Many Walnuts can Hamsters Eat?
Walnuts are very high in fat. While hamsters tend to be really keen on the treat, they should only get them in moderation as a treat, not as part of their daily diet.
Giving your hamster too many walnuts can cause obesity and other health problems.
If you give a whole walnut as a boredom breaker, once a month would be plenty for a Dwarf hamster. A Syrian being bigger could have one a bit more often, but not more than once every couple of weeks.
As soon as the hamster has managed to chew through the shell, it will have access to a rather big supply of the fruit.
Home-made Walnut Shells Treats
Why not baking some tasty and boredom breaker that will keep your hamster entertained for some time?
You need:
- Walnut shells split in half
- the walnut
It is recommended to go for organic.
- Flour
The healthiest flour for hamster treats is buckwheat, but other types are safe apart from self-raising flour which should never be given to hamsters.
- water
- seed mix (such as pumpkin seed, flaxseeds, millet)
Combine your seed mix with some of the walnut cut in tiny pieces.
Add a little bit of flour, then just enough water to make a sticky dough – you don't want it too dry, or too liquid.
Fill the walnut shell halves with the mixture.
Bake in the over, thermostat 345F (170C) for 10-12 minutes. Let it cool completely before giving it to your hammie.
Another Recipe of Nut home-made treat:
Ingredients you need:
Rolled oats
Whole wheat flour
Pumpkin seed
Mix all the ingredients together, and put flatten mixture on greased paper. Bake at thermostat 345F (170C) until golden brown. Cut into 1cm2 square. Let them cool down and store in airlock container.
Other Nuts that are Safe for Hamsters
While walnuts are a healthy and delicious treat for your hamster, there are other nuts that are just as good.
Other types of nuts that you can give to your hamster include:
Sweet almond that we snack on are perfectly safe for hamsters.
Bitter almonds are entirely different. Used in Chinese medicine, they are bought from selected stores only, and must not be given to hamsters.
Cashew nut
Monkey nut
Little Walnut the Hamster
Walnut is another popular name for hamsters, maybe because of colour palette of a Golden, Cinnamon, and more Honey Syrian, or a Golden Robo.
If you have a hamster called Sir Wally Walnut, why not including some safe walnut shape hides to their habitat?
You can either buy a small wooden one, or make your own. Just make sure it's unvarnished and unpainted. Don't use glue on something they could chew. A ceramic walnut hide, with a large opening is also a good idea.
Just be aware that some hamsters are very good at extracting food from the tiniest of holes, so make sure there's not an easy access to the treat inside if you're using it as a boredom buster! And make sure there's no risk of the hamster getting stuck.
To sum up
Dwarf hamsters are small and delicate creatures that require a specialized diet in order to stay healthy. While they really enjoy snacking on walnuts, it's important to monitor how many they eat as too many can cause health problems. You can make your own walnut-based treats for your hamster, but should avoid honey and other sugary foods. Other safe nuts to give your hamster include almonds, pecans, and hazelnuts.
If you are ever unsure about anything, it is always recommended to speak with a veterinarian that specializes in small animals.